Scientific Conference -Timetable

Scientific Conference

Professional Music Education in Poland and Europe

April 27-28 2018. Olsztyn / Poland


Day I. Friday, April 27

14.00-15.30 – Registration of participants

15.30-15.45 – Opening of the conference
– Welcome participant by Janusz Ciepliński – principal of the  PSM 1st degree in Dywity
– Address by the Voivode Representative W-M

15.45-17.00 – Lecture I
„Education supporting child development: talents as a support factor or risk for development?”

Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Anna Izabela Brzezińska – lecturer at the Department of Psychology and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

17.00-17.30 – Coffee break

17.30-18.15 – Lecture II
„Music Schools in Finland, Successes and Challenges.”

Lecturer: Minna – Maria Pessonen – principal of the East Helsinki Music Institute in Finland.

18.15-19.15 – Discussion panel
„Contemporary music school! User manual.”

Moderator: dr Damian Labiak – musician, pedagogue, teacher at the PSM 1st degree  in Dywity, lecturer at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

prof. dr hab. Anna Izabela Brzezińska – lecture at the Institute of the Psychology and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Minna-Maria Pesonen – principal of the East Helsinki Music Institute in Finland.
Witold Paprocki – musician, teacher at the OSM 1`st & 2`nd degree H. Wieniawski in Łódź, former deputy principal at the Center of Artistic Education in Warsaw.
Dorota Hermanowicz – psychologist, principal of the County Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic in Olsztyn.
Paweł Panasiuk – cellist, soloist and chamber musician, an outstanding teacher, member of the Olsztyn Philharmonic Orchestra of the Philharmonic, member of the Board of the Association of the „Suzuki Education Center”.
Karolina Żelazowska – tutorial maker and educator in the „Nomada” Educational Group, member of the „Edu-changers group”, coach in the „Coding Champions” program and a member of the „Coding Masters Association”.

19.15-19.30 – Mini concert
Trio: Julian Wilk – accordion, Nina Raukuć – violin, Julia Kucińska – flute.
Preparing: Tomasz Michalak – teacher at the PSM 1`st degree in Dywity and PSM 1`st & 2`nd degree F. Chopin in Olsztyn

20.00 – Dinner
Jazz music in background, (Unofficial, dress code: casual)
Performer: Patrycja Kunert – PSM 1`st degree in Dywity
Place: Casablanca Restaurant in Olsztyn


Day II. Saturday, April 28

10.00-10.05 – Guest welcome, guests presentation and day plan presentation
by Janusz Ciepliński – principal of the 1`st degree PSM in Dywity.

10.05-10.45 – Lecture III
„Development aspects of child musicality – challenges and implications for early music education.”
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Suświłło – lecturer of Faculty of Social Sciences, Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn.

10.45-11.30 – Lecture IV
Musical education in Iceland. Pedagogics challenges in the face of social changes.”

Lecturer: Helga Sighvatsdóttir – principal of Tónlistarskóla Árnesinga in Selfoss in Iceland.

11.30-12.00 – Coffee break

12.00-12.30 – Lecture V
„Artistic education in Germany. Cooperation between general and artistic education.”
Lecturer: Maciej Ziemski – musician, educator, lecturer at the University of Music in Bremen in Germany, President of Der Förderverein für junge Musiker aus Deutschland und Polen e. V (Association supporting young musicians from Germany and Poland), guitarist, chamber musician, member of the „Klavitarre” duo.

12.30-13.00 – Lecture VI
„Professional Music School in Poland. Organization rules. How was it? How it is? How will it be?”

Lecturer: Witold Paprocki – musician, educator, former vice principal of the Center of Artistic Education and the Visitator of the Lodz Region CEA, teacher at Henryk Wieniawski Music College in Łódź.

13.00-13.45 – Discussion panel
„World for 50 years. Music school of the future.”
Moderator: Janusz Ciepliński – principal of the PSM 1st degree in Dywity.

prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Suświłło – Faculty of Social Sciences UWM in Olsztyn lecturer.
Minna-Maria Pesonen – director of East Helsinki Music Institute in Finland.
Helga Sighvatsdóttir – director Tónlistarskóla Árnesinga in Selfoss in Iceland.
Witold Paprocki – musician, teacher of Henryk Wieniawski Music College in Łódź, ex wicedirector Center Art Education in Warsaw.
Dorota Hermanowicz – psychologist, director of the County Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic in Olsztyn.
Tomasz Michalak – accordionist, soloist and chamber musician, composer, arranger, outstanding teacher, head of the Section of Chamber and Accordion Teams at the Primary School of Music in Dywity.

13.45-14.00 – Mini concert
Performers: Nina Raukuć – violin, Natalia Klykova – piano.
Preparing: Agnieszka Kuźniak – nauczyciel PSM 1st degree in Dywity.

14.15-16.00 – Lunch break

16.00-16.45 – Lecture VII
„Musical education in Hungary. At the junction of tradition and modernity”
Lecturer: Eirini Patsea from Hungary / Grece –  musician, pedagogue, choir conductor, researcher of the musical culture, expert on the artistic education system in Hungary.

16.45-17.15 – Lecture VIII
„The role of the music school in creating cultural competences of children and youth.”

Lecturer: Dr Damian Labiak – teacher at PSM 1`st degree in Dywity and lecturer at WM University in Olsztyn.

17.15-17.45 – Coffee breake

17.45-18.15 – Summary of the conference
Moderators: prof. Małgorzata Suświłło, dr Damian Labiak, Janusz Ciepliński.

18.15-19.00 – Technical break
Time to move to the WMF Concert Hall Filharmonii

19.00-19:15 – End of the conference
Place: Warmia and Mazury Philharmonic Concert Hall

19.15-20.00 – Concert
„Tuuliviiri” Children’s Brass Band of the East Helsinki Music Institute – conductor: Helena Sinisalo.
Concert Brass Band of the Secondary Degree Music School in Olsztyn – conductor: Janusz Ciepliński.
Place: Warmia and Mazury Philharmonic Concert Hall

20.00 – Dinner
(Unofficial, dress-code: casual)
Place: Hotel Warmiński Restaurant



Patronage: Artur Chojecki, Wojewoda Warmińsko – Mazurski

Scientific patronage : Uniwersytet Warmińsko – Mazurski w  Olsztynie

Managment Science : dr Damian Labiak

Managment: Janusz Ciepliński, tel. +48 530 851 998


More information: +48 89 523 72 11, sekretariat PSM 1`st degree in Dywity, pn.-pt. godz.8.00-16.00
